Tuesday, May 4, 2010

In the Valley

When we are in the valley

Have you ever felt like you have been down trodden? Do you feel like you back is against the wall? Sometimes our circumstances are so draining that they suck the life out of us. Many times it seems like trials come one after another. Many people have experienced a death in the family only to be followed up by another death sometimes in the same month or even week. Compounded trials must be combatted by mountains of faith. When one is in the valley it's hard to see the light. The days are often overcast even when the sun is shining brightly. Without the sun everything on the earth would die. The absence of light in our lives can cause them to seem like we exist in the valley of dry bones. The valley smells and looks of death. When we are down and out it sometimes seems like there is no hope or escape. However in every dark corner there is a ray of light. The prophet Ezekiel in a vision was led to a valley full of dry bones and was asked could the bones live again.Ezekiel was told to prophesy the word of God to the bones and that they would live again. In this miraculous vision the power of Gods started a resurrection and the bones remembered the state that they were in before devastation and were restored. When you are in the valley and the light seems to be absent let God's word give you a resurrection and from that you can start a revolution in your life.
Live, Love & Learn
Follow me on twitter @belmertwan

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