Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Have you ever walked into the restroom and were attacked by the stench of waste that someone left behind; Even worse had to view their remains because they did not flush the toilet? Sometimes our lives resemble toilets that have not been flushed or that are so filled with our problems and issues that they are backed up and are stinking up our lives and the lives around us. In the Holy Bible specifically the book of Titus 3:-11 Paul wrote that believers were once foolish, disobedient, serving various lust and pleasures, living in malice, envy, and hateful to one another. Through the blood of the Savior they were washed, renewed and regenerated. Once you start out on your journey of self improvement you will start to accumulate more waste. Waste can come in the form of a bad relationship, being lied to, cheated on, taken advantage of and a host of other things. If you forget to flush the toilet of this new accumulation you risk clogging your life up and will be no good to God, yourself , or anyone else for that matter. When your life has gotten dirty again, when you have revisited those old habits that you put to rest, behaving in such a way that people have to question whether they can trust you or not its time for a cleaning. As children of the most high we have been washed (Revelation 1:5) Sanctified (Ephesians 5:26) and Justified (Galatians 3:24) All of these agents are like comet cleaner, tidy bowl and disinfectant. Gods word is a plunger that helps unstop the junk in our lives and get it flowing again and a rodder to help us when our life has become so backed up that that its unproductive. Tackling a backed up life takes a couple of steps: first you must acknowledge that something is wrong. A dishonest person cannot move forward you must accept the fact that something is wrong before you can fix it. Secondly you must identify those issues that are clogging up your life and that you are struggling with. Finally you must ask God for his help to help you remove these issues and enlist the help of a support system because two are better than one and we are all in this together. Our lives need to be kept clean and clog free so that we can effectively help those around us.
Live Love and Learn
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